Summary: Many exciting things are in the works!
Note: Please continue to pray for ceasefire in Gaza and donate to humanitarian organizations like Amnesty International to help those suffering and dying in Gaza as well as Ukraine and East Africa. _____________________________________________ Hello! So glad you're still with me! Here's a little update on Inner Excellence and my life...
The biggest announcement, however, is the second ever Inner Excellence/YWAM Homes of Hope House build/retreat. Come join us, Nov. 7-11, 2024, for the trip of a lifetime. All you need is to get to the San Diego airport with your passport. No experience necessary. You'll get the full Inner Excellence retreat AND the full YWAM Homes of Hope house build experience for a fraction of the price of both. The normal price for a 1:1 Inner Excellence retreat is $12,000 USD. The normal price for a YWAM Homes of Hope House build is about $2,300 USD. If you come in November, you can get both for as low as $1,648 USD (based on total cost with the scholarship last year). This is because the Inner Excellence Freedom Project has scholarships to pay for your portion of the house (around $12,500 USD divided by 12 or so people), and the Inner Excellence Retreat portion is only $750 USD. The reason the Inner Excellence Retreat is so much cheaper (for this experience only) is to encourage people to do something that will change their lives and a family's life--forever. Click here for more information on this life-changing trip. As far as my next book is concerned... If you liked Inner Excellence: Train Your Mind for Extraordinary Performance and the Best Possible Life, you'll love The Best Possible Life.
Love Jim PS Please let me know how you've been - I read every response to this newsletter. Miss you! 😎 ❤️ |
Inner Excellence is an entire lifestyle and training system based on centuries-old principles of love, wisdom, and courage. These three powerful virtues are designed to help you, whether you’re a professional athlete or everyday citizen, perform extraordinarily and live with absolute fullness of life.
The Great Need - Chapter 1 Summary: Perhaps you noticed I haven’t written any articles in 2024. I started this newsletter/blog May 15, 2020 and committed to share Inner Excellence ideas with you on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. So for 3.5 years I’ve done that and never missed. (You can see every article on my website). I hope these articles have been helpful for you. Here's a little review in case you've forgotten Inner Excellence (IX). IX is about learning and growing, in love,...
The Ultimate Dream Journal Summary: As you likely know, Inner Excellence is about self-mastery, self-awareness, and self-education... and interestingly, about the pursuit of the selfless and therefore fearless life. We do this through one mindset, three principles, five skills, and nine disciplines.* In the pursuit of self-mastery, it's crucial to examine your life regularly, and deeply, at least once a year. Winter break is the perfect time to do this. There's a tool/practice that Dr. Andrew...
The Questions Summary: One of the primary differences between those who learn and grow and those who do not is the questions they're asking... of themselves, God and the universe. The great students are constantly seeking self-awareness so they can know can know who they are and therefore what's possible in their lives, and especially, what God and the universe is asking of them. Most often when you're stuck in some aspect in life, it's because you're caught up in the past with a limiting...