The Great Need - Chapter 1 Summary: Perhaps you noticed I haven’t written any articles in 2024. I started this newsletter/blog May 15, 2020 and committed to share Inner Excellence ideas with you on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. So for 3.5 years I’ve done that and never missed. (You can see every article on my website). I hope these articles have been helpful for you. Here's a little review in case you've forgotten Inner Excellence (IX). IX is about learning and growing, in love,...
12 months ago • 12 min read
The Ultimate Dream Journal Summary: As you likely know, Inner Excellence is about self-mastery, self-awareness, and self-education... and interestingly, about the pursuit of the selfless and therefore fearless life. We do this through one mindset, three principles, five skills, and nine disciplines.* In the pursuit of self-mastery, it's crucial to examine your life regularly, and deeply, at least once a year. Winter break is the perfect time to do this. There's a tool/practice that Dr. Andrew...
about 1 year ago • 6 min read
The Questions Summary: One of the primary differences between those who learn and grow and those who do not is the questions they're asking... of themselves, God and the universe. The great students are constantly seeking self-awareness so they can know can know who they are and therefore what's possible in their lives, and especially, what God and the universe is asking of them. Most often when you're stuck in some aspect in life, it's because you're caught up in the past with a limiting...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
The Passion of Excellence and Desire Summary: There's an overlooked inner work that empowers that the most extraordinary people and performers that ever lived. The inner work is to direct and control your impulses and desires so they let go of lesser desires and distractions and yearn for what's most empowering. We need to learn to immerse ourselves in the present moment as it is, not as our cravings want it to be, so we can heighten our awareness and see the amazing that always awaits. To...
about 1 year ago • 5 min read
How to Excel at the Olympic Games Summary: There's a certain type of person throughout human history who blazed trails that others followed. They learned to struggle and fall and take risks and fall again. Often they were forgotten... until one day they changed the world. They know what it's like to have dirt on their face, to give their heart and soul to a worthy cause, even if that cause is only to have more courage, because courage is what changes the world. They weren't the strongest or...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
The Inner Excellence Way Summary: Inner Excellence is an in-depth system of training your heart, mind and body to be fully engaged, unattached to your goals and dreams, so you can perform at your highest level and live an extraordinary life. We use the mind to train the heart, which is the source of your greatest fears and biggest dreams. Your heart's deepest need is love and acceptance, and thus the greatest fear in performance is losing that love and acceptance due to performing poorly. The...
about 1 year ago • 3 min read
Why You Haven't Broken Through to the Next Level in Your Life Summary: Most of us spend most of our lives playing at a level well below our abilities. Here's three reasons why: We don't really know ourselves. We're too afraid to let go of our past. We're too afraid of getting hurt or being disappointed (to dream big dreams). If you want to get to the next level in your life, you have to increase self-awareness, let go of your past (and the identity you've held on to), and get better at...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
The Gap Between You and Your Dreams Summary: Most people make the mistake of spending their days trying to improve their circumstances through better results. The key is to clarify the vision of the type of person you want to become, the person you were born to become, and move towards that vision. Have strict boundaries around that vision and remove all that's not in line with the person you're created to become. Cultivate your vision every day by walking in love. You'll know you're living...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Four Ways to Accelerate Your Growth Summary: Play to learn - even more than to win. Guard your heart. Visualize pressure-filled moments every day. Use your mind to observe your thoughts (rather than be attached to them). NOTE: The first ever Inner Excellence YWAM Homes of Hope Retreat was amazing. Click here to see the highlight video. Don't miss the next one Spring 2024! ___________________________________________________ “I'm neither [love to win or hate to lose]. I play to figure things...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read